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Oudh Sandal Agarbatti Fragrance
Oudh Sandal Agarbatti Fragrance offered, is an important part of the Indian ritual, it is widely accessible in internet stores with a variety of smell and usage possibilities. This fragrance stick's magic isn't confined to its lovely perfume; it also offers a slew of health and environmental benefits. Our Oudh Sandal Agarbatti Fragrance aids in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, recurrent colds, and a few allergies. As a result, inhaling the smoke of Agarbatti can heal you through the use of aromatherapy. This fragrance is very effective and economical to use.
Product details
Material |
Wood |
Usage/Application |
Manufacturing of Agarbatti |
Form |
liquid |
Packaging Type |
Bottle |
Packaging Size |
50kg |
Material Grade |
A |